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[19-04-17] Look at me and see what I could not (yet) see


21.04.2017 - 24.09.2017

Gilbert De Bontridder
through the eyes of:
Sara Bachour & Joep Hinssen
Maarten Davidse & Simon Weins
Studio Oneindigheid (Charlotte Lagro,
Chaim van Luit, Joep Vossebeld)
Tim Rutten & Roel Pansters
en Krist Gruijthuijsen
Curatoren: Paula van den Bosch en Joep Vossebeld

[23-02-17] Start up: Slow Accident
Nieuw Dakota biedt met de programmalijn Start Up aan een nieuwe lichting jonge, ambitieuze en innovatieve kunstenaars een kans om hun debuut te maken. De tweede editie toont werk van kunstenaars van de afdeling Fine Arts van de Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design (MaFAD). Beeldend kunstenaar en MaFAD-docent Paul Devens stelt de tentoonstelling samen, met werk van Simon Weins (D), Eline Kersten (NL), Joep Hinssen (NL), Sara Bachour (IT), Gladys Zeevaarders (NL), Thomas Hütten (D), Maarten Davidse (NL), Dennis Muñoz (NL), Miriam Sentler (D, NL). De presentatie is te zien van 26 februari tot en met 26 maart 2017. De opening is op 26 februari van 16:00 tot 18:00 uur.


[17-01-17] Sjang Kabang - Tout Me Fait Rire

I contributed to this:


[09-12-16] Parkstad Limburg Prijs

[24-05-16] PUMP IT UP 

[18-05-16] Ned - Esp (script)

I have made a web-page were I will put all the data and scripts that will be used for the realisation of 'Netherlands – Spain'. Take a look.


[28-02-16] New video / music project

I’m am working on a new video / music project that I would like to share with you.
Currently, I am translating a soccer match into a music piece. The working title of the project is “Nederland – Spanje: de Symfonie” (Netherlands – Spain: the Symphony) and it’s going to be a live-performance done by musicians, which is going to be performed in synchronization with the footage of the match.
The transformation of the soccer match into music will be a very direct translation of what is happening in the stadium. The fundament of the piece will be what is happening to the ball. The kicking against the ball and the ball bouncing on the ground will be translated into percussion. The cheering of the fans will be transformed into the singing of a choir.
In this way the most central element of the match – the ball – will be opposed to its effect on the massive audience and it will reveal a totally new dimension of the dynamics of such a mass-event.
You can find more information about the project here.
The performance of the musicians will be captured on film and for this I will be supported by Video Power. Ultimately, this project will result in a video (+/- 110 min.), but also in a separate public concert.
If you like this project and if you want to see it being realized you can support me! To make it happen I need help to be able to pay the musicians, the film crew, the location, etcetera. If you click on the link below you will find my crowdfunding campaign on On this page you also see what you will get in return if you’re willing to support me. For instance, if you donate 50 euros you will get two tickets for the premiere.
